Best Cardiologist Doctor In Chennai

Discover & Manage potential heart problems early on, and preserve Optimal Heart Health throughout your lives with Sugam’s Heart Care services!



Sugam Heart Centre


Cardiac interventions and procedures at SHC include

  • Primary Angioplasty
  • Cardiac ICU
  • CABG
  • Valve Replacements
  • Electrophysiology
  • Heart Failure Clinic
  • Advanced Coronary Imaging
  • Cardiac Health Checkup




Best Cardiologist Doctor In Chennai

We bring the considerable skills of our specialists and the advantage of advanced technology nearer the people of North Chennai for speedier treatments and better outcomes.


A heart attack gives a very small window of opportunity. The sooner interventional treatment is given the lesser the damage to the heart tissue and better the prognosis. An Angiogram for diagnosing heart problems and an Angioplasty for opening of blocked vessels or correction of defects offer the best results when done immediately after a heart attack. Sugam, the best cardiology hospital in Chennai has the very first Cath Lab in North Chennai primarily to bring the latest treatment within easy reach of the public. No more long distance travel for the vital angio. In addition to angiograms our team also performs Valvuloplasties, Device closure of heart defects and Permanent Pace-maker Insertions in our Cath Lab.

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Cardiac Diagnostic Services at SHC encompass a wide range of tests and procedures consisting of:

  • Cardiac Master Health Check
  • Echocardiography
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • Holter Monitoring
  • Computerised Treadmill

which enable the diagnosis of a variety of heart conditions, including arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.

Cath Lab

Sugam Hospitals introduced the first modern Coronary Cath lab to North Chennai.

Life-saving primary angioplasty and other cardiac interventions including septal corrections and valvotomies are performed here by our expert Cardiologist experienced in catheter based valve replacements, ably supported by Interventional Radiologists and specially qualified technicians & nurses.