The Role Of An Oncologist In Navigating Cancer Care

The Role Of An Oncologist In Navigating Cancer Care
July 26, 2024 by admin

Cancer is a very complex disease. It needs comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. The heart of this disease is an oncologist who is trained to handle the problems and intricacies of cancer. This blog by Sugam hospital covers all the important Read More

Understanding Hereditary Cancer syndromes: Diagnosis and Treatment
July 1, 2024 by admin

A collection of conditions known as hereditary cancer syndromes are brought on by inherited genetic alterations that dramatically raise a person’s risk of getting some cancers. Even though environmental exposures and lifestyle choices are frequently linked to cancer, an early Read More

What To Expect In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?
May 27, 2024 by admin

The intensive care unit, or ICU, is a separate department in many healthcare facilities or hospitals where critically ill patients are treated. ICUs provide intensive treatment to those with severe or life-threatening conditions, injuries, or illnesses with constant monitoring and … Read More

What Are The Effects Of Smoking On Health?
May 6, 2024 by admin

It does not matter how you smoke tobacco; it is bad for your health. From acetone and nicotine to tar and carbon monoxide, tobacco consists of only bad substances. These substances when you inhale not only affect your lungs but … Read More

Things You Need To Know About Obesity
April 22, 2024 by admin

According to WHO’s report on “The World Health Statistics,” one in every six is obese, and one in every ten is diabetic. Obese people account for 40% to 60% of Type 2 Diabetics. Today, India has a higher number of … Read More

Techniques Used For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer
April 1, 2024 by admin

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancer types and presents as an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Prompt detection with the best oncologists in Chennai helps you to diagnosethe disease in its earliest stages … Read More

How Can You Be Screened for Prostate Cancer?
January 25, 2024 by admin

The goal of performing screening tests for prostate cancer is not only to identify cancer but also to detect them early so that treatment becomes more effective. A malignant tumour in your prostate gland is referred to as prostate cancer. … Read More

Healthy Living For Cancer Survivors
January 18, 2024 by admin

If you have been diagnosed with any type of cancer and you have successfully completed the treatment program, you need to know how you can maintain your health and even improve it. The cancer hospital in Chennai that guided you … Read More

Different Methods Of Cancer Screening Tests To Check The Cancer
January 1, 2024 by admin

It’s indeed clear that the vast majority of people skip the advised cancer screening tests! It is because of the lack of facilities, and cancer care services, as well as inadequate cancer awareness.

According to researchers, cancer morbidity and mortality … Read More

Decisions On Cancer Treatment Can Be Tough – Take The Right Move!
December 25, 2023 by admin

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you need to make several decisions regarding treatment with the help of your family members. It could be a challenging task for you because of the feelings of anxiety that you go through, … Read More