When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Orthopedic Injuries

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Orthopedic Injuries
July 26, 2024 by admin

Various accidents, over strain during physical activity and other causes like trauma and age can cause orthopedic injuries. There are many symptoms of orthopedic injuries like pain, swelling, weakness and instability. With the help of Sugam hospital, the best ortho Read More

Caring for Your Musculoskeletal Health as You Age
July 19, 2024 by admin

It’s totally normal for a human body to undergo different changes while aging. Musculoskeletal health is one of the aging aspects which frequently gets less attention, even though it is most essential inorder to maintain general well being. Since it Read More

The Importance Of Orthopedic Health In Maintaining An Active Lifestyle
June 22, 2024 by admin

In our fast-paced modern lives, sedentary behaviors and desk-bound routines have become pervasive, posing a threat to orthopedic health. In order to have a fulfilling and vibrant life, maintaining an active lifestyle is really crucial. Whether it’s engaging in sports, Read More

Osteoporosis- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
February 29, 2024 by admin

Bones support the body, protect vital organs, and serve as the main storage site for calcium, a mineral necessary for proper muscle and nerve function. As people age, their bones naturally lose density, making them more susceptible to fractures and … Read More

Learn About the Treatment and Management of Orthopaedic Trauma
February 15, 2024 by admin

Injuries suffered by a person in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, joints, or related soft tissues that often occur during exercise, sporting activities, or other physical activities are referred to as orthopaedic trauma. Improper use of sports gear, … Read More

Knee Replacement Surgery – Things To Know
February 5, 2024 by admin

A damaged knee joint adversely affects everything you do, even getting up from a chair and going up and down stairways. If you are faced with such a situation, it is time you consider undergoing knee replacement surgery. However, you … Read More

Common Causes of Hip Pain and Their Treatment Options
December 18, 2023 by admin

Hip pain is a common complaint that can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether it’s due to injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions, hip pain can be debilitating and affect individuals of all ages. According to … Read More

Are You Suffering From Weak Bones?
December 8, 2023 by admin

Osteoporosis or bone disease which leads to a disabling condition where the bones tend to break much faster, which also develops throughout the life of a woman. Osteopenia is a condition wherein the woman starts experiencing a reduction in bone … Read More