Difference Between ECG And ECHO

Difference Between ECG And ECHO
December 29, 2023 by admin

We all have come across the terms ECG (Electrocardiography) and ECHO (Echocardiography) in our lifetime. These are typically medical exams that are non-invasive and comfortable in nature. ECG and ECHO are used to assess how well the heart is functioning. Patients don’t need to do some special preparations before choosing either of such tests. These tests have distinctive characteristics and are performed for various purposes only upon the suggestion of a medical provider. Sugam hospital is the best cardiology hospital In Chennai, where you can avail of ECHO and ECG in one place with proper medical guidance.

However, there seem to be no known hazards for patients who are undergoing such tests, which are a part of medical therapy. Hence, in this blog, we will know the difference between ECG and ECHO in-depth.


One of its most regularly recommended diagnostic exams suggested to individuals with cardio or related disorders is indeed an ECG, often called an Electrocardiogram.

Why would you require an ECG?

From one of the below situations, the doctor will advise the patient to get an ECG:

  1. Arrhythmias
  2. Heart pain or even a heart attack are caused by coronary heart disease.
  3. Heart attack history in the past
  4. The operation of specific devices, like pacemakers
  5. Heart murmur
  6. The patient’s health is deteriorating due to changes in their cardiac murmur.
  7. The occurrence of indications such as extreme fatigue, fever, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, & edema inside the legs, foot, ankle, or belly that are linked to cardiovascular problems.
  8. Abnormalities in the chamber & valve of the heart
  9. Breathlessness or chest tightness for unknown reasons
  10. Stroke indications
  11. You are at risk for developing heart illnesses because of health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even high blood cholesterol.
  12. Smoking, consumption of liquor, being obese or having a medical history of cardiac problems.
  13. Experts advise echocardiograms to verify the warning symptoms and indications of heart problems.
  14. Also if you are scheduled with a cardiac operation.

The below are some typical indicators that suggest the need for an ECG:

  1. Fast heartbeat
  2. Breathing difficulty
  3. Heart pain
  4. NNausea or anxiety
  5. Weakness / exhaustion
  6. Experiencing fatigue when working out

How else is ECG performed?

There are several procedures involved in the electrocardiogram, also known as an ECG / EKG. This examination takes only five to ten minutes. The physician applies 10 to 12 tiny adhesive pads in various locations on a person’s chest wall during such medical examinations. These adhesive pads are connected to the ECG machine’s leads. The leads transmit the information about the patient’s condition. So, here the electrical activity of the heart creates data which acts as a trace to determine the patient’s heart health.

ECG & ECHO has a specific role to play in the care of individuals with cardiac conditions. Visit the best heart specialist hospital in Chennai to know its specifications and features in detail.

How Does ECHO Work?

Some easy steps are required to accomplish an ECHO, which would be done with the assistance of a skilled cardiac specialist. It takes about 20 mins to do this entire test. This comprises a five-minute preparatory period and a fifteen-minute procedure. The person is first instructed to put on a certain garment and recline on a table made specifically to assist people with ECG. For such a medical examination, the patient is instructed to lie on the left side. After that, the breast wall’s precise locations are treated with ultrasonic gel. The ultrasonic probe is then positioned by the heart sonographer. technician, as well as the necessary images, are then obtained for more analysis.

As a result, the key distinction between an ECG as well as an ECHO would be that an ECG shows off the heart’s electrical system, whilst an ECHO shows off the heart’s mechanical system for future diagnostics and treatment. Contact the top cardiologist in Chennai if you’re looking for professional advice regarding your heart in order to get the finest possible therapy and post-treatment.

Main Distinctions Between ECHO And ECG

  • While an echocardiogram produces images of the heart pulse, an ECG is primarily used to monitor the electrical activity of the heart.
  • A person’s cardiac rate is examined by an ECG, while the heart’s chamber and valve are examined by an echocardiography.
  • While an echocardiography exam uses a transducer well over the upper chest to detect findings, an ECG test involves 12 patches being applied to the limbs, arms, and chests.
  • While an echocardiogram utilises ultrasonography to seek anomalies within the anatomy of the cardiac, an ECG employs electrodes to check for abnormalities inside the electronic signals of the heart.
  • In contrast to an echocardiogram test, where its outcomes are presented on a monitor as the test is being performed, ECG findings are shown on a sheet after the test.

Variations in uses

 An ECG captures the heart’s electrical activity, providing crucial data about the beat and consistency of the heartbeat as well as the pace where the heart is beating. An ECG is a rapid screening tool used to identify arrhythmias, cardiac arrest injuries to the cardiac muscle, the status of any implantation devices, such as pacemakers, congenital abnormalities, and the impact of medications. An ECG is utilised as an element of a pre-workup and also as an element of regular checkups.

The heart’s volume, shape, ability to pump blood, position and degree of tissue injury, inner chambers, and valve function can all be learned using echocardiography. For the majority of the time, it is used to assess the state of cardiac muscle following a cardiac arrest. It can identify infections through the heart and even in the sac surrounding the heart and infections in heart valves. You can reach out to the cardiology hospital in Chennai to understand the variations of uses in ECG and ECHO.