Everything You Need To Know About Dementia

Everything You Need To Know About Dementia
January 8, 2024 by admin

We all have come across individuals who have Dementia. It is a disorder where the concerned individual generally loses their ability of communication, memory, and cognitive skills. Memory, reasoning, direction, understanding, computation, learning ability, communication, and judgemental skills are all affected due to this disorder. Dementia is generally classified into reversible, irreversible and progressive dementia. It can strike anyone at any stage of life and is linked to neurological symptoms such as seizures, syncope, strokes, brain trauma, illness, migraine, infections, and brain tumours. Hence consult the best neurologist in Chennai if you are experiencing any dementia symptoms.

Alzheimer’s disease, infections, stroke, inflammation, tumour, haemorrhage, metastases, dyselectrolytemia, end organs renal or hepatic malfunction, and inflammatory encephalitis are the major issues that cause dementia.

Dementia is the sixth primary reason for death globally and is one of the significant causes of impairment and dependence among the elderly. Dementia is frequently misunderstood and stigmatised, leading to delays in detection and treatment.

Symptoms And Signs

If you look into the condition of dementia, the symptoms and signs vary from one another because it entirely depends on the individual’s cause. However, certain signs and symptoms common in dementia patients are listed below.

  • They have difficulty recollecting memories.
  • They often find it hard to communicate
  • Visual and spatial abilities are affected
  • They could not reason out or solve any situation
  • Multiple or complex tasking is difficult
  • They could not organise or plan things
  • Motor skills are affected
  • They feel confused at all times

It is also to be noted that dementia patients undergo psychological changes like,

  • Delusion
  • Irritation
  • Obsession
  • Behavioural changes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Changes in personality

So, these are the most common symptoms we see in dementia patients. But, it would help if you always remembered that the primary cause of dementia is the loss of connection or nerve damage, which affects the individuals differently.

Cause Of Different Types Of Dementia

As mentioned earlier, dementia is caused by the damage or loss of connection in brain nerves but can occur for various reasons. Reversible and irreversible dementia are the two basic types of this condition.

Reversible dementia is a condition where it can be treated (delaying the process). In contrast, irreversible dementia cannot be treated but helps to manage and make patients’ daily activities easier. Here are listed a few conditions which cause either reversible or irreversible dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease:

It is one of the most common causes of dementia which cannot be reversed. Alzheimer’s patients have tangles and plaques in their brains, damaging and affecting the healthy nervous system. These patients gradually lose their nerve cells which leads to brain impairment.

Vascular dementia:

Vascular dementia is caused due to vessel damage which is responsible for the supply of blood to the brain. The symptoms of this type of dementia are difficulty in problem-solving and lack of focus.

Immune disorders and infections:

It is also evident that individuals with immune disorders or infections can be affected by dementia, which can also be treated. The condition which gives rise to dementia is multiple sclerosis, fever, or any side effect your body tried to fight against.

Brain tumour:

Dementia can also result as a side effect of a brain tumour which can also be reversed.

Nutritional deficiencies:

If you are not getting enough nutritional support like vitamin B-1, vitamins B-6 and B-12 in your diet, then there is a high chance of getting affected by dementia. Dehydration, vitamin E, and copper deficiencies also cause dementia but can be reversed.

These are some of the conditions that give rise to dementia. It can also occur after a stroke or conditions like dangerous alcoholic use, repeated physical brain traumas (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), or nutrient deficiencies. With proper evaluation and treatment, these varieties of dementia frequently return to normal. Reach out to the neurology specialist in Chennai to get an appropriate remedy to cure dementia.

Previous Medical History

The physician will contact the individual and a close family member or spouse regarding recent diseases or other life experiences that could trigger memory loss throughout a physical health examination. Other symptoms, such as behavioural issues, will be discussed with the doctor. The doctor may request that the patient bring in all their medications. This can assist the doctor in determining if the problem is due to the individual being heavily medicated or a dosing frequency. Visit a neurologist in Chennai to check your previous medical history to treat you.

Dementia Prevalence

About 55 million individuals worldwide have dementia, including over 60% of them residing in low & average-income nations. This figure is predicted to grow to 78 million people by 2030 and 139 million in 2050, as the share of elderly persons globally grows in practically every country.

Treatment and Assistance

The process of treatment begins with a thorough examination. Autoimmune encephalitis, similar to dementia, has been much easier to diagnose in recent decades because of technological advancements and the results come in long-term. Degenerative dementia is incurable, but treatments can give some relief for the condition. Anti-dementia drugs and disease-modifying therapies are currently on the market, which have limited availability and are mostly labelled for Alzheimer’s disease; however, several new treatments are in various stages of clinical testing.

A lot can be done to help and enhance people’s life with dementia and their caregivers and relatives. The following are the main objectives of dementia people caring:

  • early recognition for earlier recovery
  • optimal treatment of physical well-being and cognitive activities
  • recognising and treating associated physical disease
  • comprehending and managing behavioural changes
  • giving data and lengthy support to caregivers

Health Risks And How To Avoid Them

Many think dementia is a part of the ageing process and doesn’t affect the younger age group. However, dementia does not only impact the elderly; up to 9% of registered cases were among the young generation (described as the progression of disease even before age 45).

Physical activity, quitting smoking, avoiding dangerous alcoholic use, maintaining weight, consuming a nutritious diet, and keeping good hypertension, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels have all been shown to minimise the incidence of cognitive dysfunction. Anxiety, social alienation, low academic attainment, mental inefficiency, and pollution are extra risk factors. Visit Sugam Hospital to consult the top neurologist in Chennai to know more about the disorder.

Effects On Caregivers And Their Families

Caregivers (typically friends, relatives & neighbours) spend five hours daily caring for dementia patients. It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Physical, mental, and economic strains can put families and caregivers under stress; therefore, help from healthcare, social, financial, and legal institutions is much needed. Family members are responsible for 50% of the worldwide expense of dementia or those who provide care.

Women Are Disproportionately Affected

Dementia affects women disproportionately over the world. 65% of women account for overall dementia mortality, and 60% of the population are individuals who experience dementia-related disorders living years (DALYs) are more in women than in males. In addition, 70% of women are family caregivers for dementia patients.


Dementia can impact a variety of physical systems, as well as one’s capacity to operate. Dementia can result in:

  • Nutritional deficiencies: Many persons with dementia cease or restrict their eating, which impacts overall nutrient intake. They may eventually become incapable of continuing eating.
  • Pneumonia: Swallowing difficulties raise the danger of choking or inhaling food through the lung, which can prevent respiration and lead to pneumonia.
  • The inability for self-care: With the worsening of dementia, it might become difficult to bathe, dress, brush one’s head or fingernails, use the bathroom independently, or take medications as prescribed.
  • Everyday challenges: The patient may experience difficulty in daily activities such as riding, eating, exercising, and residing alone.

The above are the essential things you need to know about Dementia. Sugam Hospital is the best health care provider for treating the condition appropriately with timely diagnoses and medications. Approach us to get the proper guidance for your medical condition.