Coping with Pediatric Anxiety and Stress: Strategies for Parents

Coping with Pediatric Anxiety and Stress: Strategies for Parents
July 22, 2024 by admin

Anxiety and worry are frequent experiences for youngsters and they face the obstacles of growing up. Depending on the cause, anxiety can take several forms in children. It can be either family relationships, social interactions or academic expectations from parents. Read More

Common Childhood Illnesses: Recognizing Symptoms and Seeking Treatment
July 18, 2024 by admin

Childhood is a fantastic period for growth and discovery. But this is also the time of year when youngsters are most vulnerable to catastrophic infections. In order to protect our children’s health, we must recognise the warning symptoms of common Read More

What To Expect In A High-Risk Pregnancy?
May 30, 2024 by admin

If your doctor says you are at a high-risk pregnancy, several questions are likely to come up in your mind. Will your prenatal care be very different from others who don’t have such a problem? Will your baby have any … Read More

The Importance Of Regular Checkups With The Pediatrician For Your Kids
April 4, 2024 by admin

Every parent wants to provide the perfect care for their children. One of the major aspects of child health is that regular checkups with the pediatrician are not a thing to be overlooked. These consistent visits play a significant role … Read More

Navigating Sinus Issues in Children: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
February 22, 2024 by admin

Sinus issues is one of the well known health concerns that can disrupt the day to day life of every person it affects. Even though sinus issues do not just affect adults, children can also suffer from sinus problems. From … Read More

Monkeypox: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
February 19, 2024 by admin

Monkeypox, usually confined to African countries. Outside Africa is really a major concern. It is similar to the smallpox virus and was initially identified in 1958 when one pox-like condition struck the monkeys undergoing research. In the Republic Of Congo, … Read More

Headache And Lifestyle In Children: A Pediatrician’s Perspective
January 15, 2024 by admin

Children commonly complain of headaches. If you consult with the best pediatrician in Chromepet, he will confirm this observation. Headaches in children are not usually associated with any serious medical condition. However, it is important to subject them to … Read More

A Comprehensive Guide To Neonatal Intensive Care Units
December 1, 2023 by admin

While welcoming a new life into this world is a magical occasion, it can also provide its own set of medical challenges. This is where NICU comes into play. What is a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU, and why … Read More