Know the Different Types of Headaches and their Treatment

Know the Different Types of Headaches and their Treatment
February 8, 2024 by admin

We all have come across headaches in our lives at many times and treat them usually with any medications or by taking rest. These headaches cause extreme discomfort and distressing at times. Do you know those headaches that you have been experiencing can be primary or secondary of any illness? Yes, you heard it right! Generally, headaches fall into two categories which are primary and secondary as the side-effect of any disease or illness. So, consult with the right medical provider who can give suitable medication by analysing your medical history and existing symptoms. Reach out to Sugam’s hospital who has the best neurologist in Chennai to know the headache that you have been experiencing.

Primary Headaches

Anxiety headaches & migraines seem to be the two most typical forms of headaches.

1. Tension Or Anxiety Headaches:

It is a typical type of headache which is felt across your forehead. They may continue for a few days. Although symptoms could be unpleasant and exhausting, it does not interfere with sleep. However, many people could continue working with such a stress headache. It is not common to become a little allergic to solid light or sound, and these are typically not caused or worsened by daily activities.

Sometimes vision problems, especially if studying for prolonged times in poor lighting, can result in tension headaches.

2. Migraines:

Migraines are one of the most affecting types of headaches. In migraines, individuals experience extreme pain in one-side of their head. The right cause of migraine is still unknown but researchers find it as result of abnormal activity of the brain affecting the nerves, blood cells, and chemicals temporarily in the brain. Migraines are incapacitating and intense frequently.


Treatment For Migraine:

Relaxation, rest, dark, and silence can all help in relieving migraines. Consuming more water and prescribed pain relievers assist in the treatment for migraine. Many patients who do not find a solution in these medications ask the physician to prescribe a special migraine medicine for prevention.

3. Cluster Headaches:

Cluster headaches are excruciating headaches occasionally referred to as “suicide headaches.” They frequently occur and can last for days or even for weeks.

They eventually stop for a few months. These are rare but frequently have an impact on male adult smokers. They are extremely painful, severe, and one-sided headaches. Cluster headaches usually only affect one side. Common symptoms include a drooping eyelid, stuffy nose, and a watery eye on the injured side.Consult with a top neurologist in Chennai to take up a treatment for this.


How Are Cluster Headaches Treated With?

The physician will typically prescribe medication to prevent cluster headaches, though sometimes breathed oxygen may also be used.

4. Regular Chronic Headaches

Women are more likely to get chronic or anxiety headaches than men because of the strained muscles in the neck. Chronic denotes a continuous ailment. Such headaches might be brought about by spinal injuries or fatigue and exacerbated by excessive pharmaceutical use. A severe chronic headache happens nearly every day over at least six months.


What Is The Course Of Treatments For Daily Chronic Headaches?

Skipping painkillers and using just physio and antidepressant drugs at times are the safest ways to cure this kind of headache

5. Primary Stabby Headaches:

Idiopathic stab headaches and frozen headaches are other names for primary stabbing headaches. Physicians use the word “idiopathic” to describe these conditions as the cause for this type of headache is unknown. These headaches are brief, sharp, & extremely powerful. They can happen at any point during the day or night and often persist between five to thirty seconds. It feels like an ice needle getting driven into the head. These could be terrifying and frequently happen beneath the ears. Nearly half of the population experience primary stabbing headaches, even though these are not like migraines. These are frequently sensed where migraines typically happen on the head.


What Is The Treatment For Stabbing Head Pain?

Primary stabbing headaches cannot be effectively treated; however, headache medicines may lessen their frequency.

6. Trigeminal Neuropathy 

Pains from trigeminal neuralgia typically affect the cheeks. This consists of incredibly brief flashes of discomfort in the face, particularly around the jaws, lips, forehead, hairline, eyes, or nose. Individuals over 50 are more likely to experience it, which is typically one-sided. Contact or a little wind on the face may start it. To know more about this headache, you can consult the best neurology hospital in Chennai.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment:

Protective medications can typically be used to cure trigeminal neuralgia.

What Kinds Of Secondary Headaches Are There?

Often there are underlying reasons for headaches, and curing these root causes is part of healing. Many individuals are concerned that significant illnesses or hypertension are blamed for their headaches. Both are scarce reasons for a headache; in fact, hypertension typically has no indications.

Withdrawal From Substances, Chemicals, And Drugs

For instance, carbon monoxide (that is generated by gasoline heaters which are not ventilated), liquor consumption (which frequently results in a headache the day after consumption), and a shortage of body fluids (dehydration) can all cause secondary headaches.

Overmedication Headaches

An uncomfortable and protracted headache is caused by taking too many medications. It results from using painkillers, mainly for headaches. Sadly, the body reacts by producing additional pain receptors in the skull when opioids are consistently consumed for headaches. After a while, the pain receptors become so numerous that the head becomes highly reactive, and the headache persists.

How Is Headache From Overuse Medication Treated?

A month or more without using any painkiller is regrettably the recommended course of action. Many people find this quite challenging and need many persuasions to attempt it. The headache might worsen before it reduces (subside), which could take weeks or months.

Most conventional painkillers can produce severe chronic headaches; however, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are much less prone. These could be used as a medication if they haven’t been included. Some people also utilise medications to prevent headaches. Many medical professionals believe that the best course of action is to cease using every headache medicine and eventually tolerate a headache’s increase to recover better.

Which Head Pain Conditions Are Severe Or Risky?

Hazardous headaches usually develop quickly and worsen over time. Older adults are more likely to experience it. Below mentioned them are listed below:

Brain Infections And Meningitis

Encephalitis is a brain inflammation, whereas meningitis is an inflammation of the brain’s surrounding tissue. These can be brought about by bacterial, viral, or fungus. They give individuals a terrible and incapacitating headache.

Time-Related Arthritis

Only people above the age of fifty typically get intermittent arthritis. The arteries within temples and beneath the eyeball swell (are inflamed). While behind the head, it gives people headaches (a frontal headache). To find out the condition of your headache at an early stage visit the neurologist doctor in Chennai at Sugam hospital.