Neurological Disorders In Children: Early Recognition And Intervention

Neurological Disorders In Children: Early Recognition And Intervention
July 25, 2024 by admin

The complicated workings of our human brain is fascinating and very complex to understand. There can be challenges when faced with neurological disorders when we watch our children grow and learn. Many conditions impact the child’s cognitive, emotional and physical Read More

Symptoms That Say Your Nervous System Is Weak
March 28, 2024 by admin

The nervous system functions as the electrical circuitry of the body, transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. It is essential for maintaining balance, coordination, and overall well-being. A weakened nervous system can result in a … Read More

Stroke – How to Recognize Early?
March 18, 2024 by admin

Stroke is a serious medical emergency that happens when there is a disruption in the blood supply to the brain, harming the brain cells. In today’s world, strokes are considered as one of the main causes of mortality and disability, … Read More

Neurological Issues That Occur Due To Urban Lifestyle
February 26, 2024 by admin

Do you know that neural functions and well-being are related? Yes, indeed. We all have heard of the saying “Health is Wealth”, which is true regarding mental or neurological well-being, says the best neurology specialist in Chennai. It is … Read More

Everything You Need To Know About Dementia
January 8, 2024 by admin

We all have come across individuals who have Dementia. It is a disorder where the concerned individual generally loses their ability of communication, memory, and cognitive skills. Memory, reasoning, direction, understanding, computation, learning ability, communication, and judgemental skills are all … Read More

All You Need To Know About Migraine
December 4, 2023 by admin

Migraine is indeed a neurological condition which can lead to several symptoms other than a “very awful headache.” Despite severe and unbearable headaches, there are other common symptoms of migraines are:

  • Speech trouble
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hypersensitivity to
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