Understanding The Symptoms And Stages Of Lung Cancer

Understanding The Symptoms And Stages Of Lung Cancer
September 12, 2024 by admin

Lung cancer is one of the most major health issues globally; it is a disease of complex nature and subtle onset. It needs early detection for effective treatment, and the signs and symptoms can barely be recognized. This blog by Sugam hospital describes the symptoms and stages of lung cancer in order to make readers know how the disease progresses and why timely medical intervention is very crucial.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Early-stage lung cancer may not show symptoms. Over time, a range of symptoms can come up depending on the condition. It is significant to know the signs that lung cancer may show up, especially when you have the risk factors like smoking or a genetic history related to cancer. The best diagnostic centre Chennai gives you accurate diagnosis and testing to provide the correct results.

Persistent Cough: 

A chronic cough is one that doesn’t want to go away or improves with time. This is one of the most common early signs of lung cancer, usually misdiagnosed and thought to be a cold or bronchitis.

Chest Pain: 

Most times, lung cancer leads to sharp or dull chest pain, depending on cases. This pain generally worsens with deep breathing, coughing, or laughing.

Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath: 

The growing tumor can block airways, leading to difficulty breathing or a feeling of breathlessness. This symptom may appear gradually and often is not considered different from more common respiratory conditions.

Blood When Coughing: 

Hemoptysis, or the coughing up of blood, is considered a symptom and should never be ignored. Even the presence of small amounts of blood in sputum can act as a red flag that needs attention for lung cancer.

Unexplained weight loss: 

It can be considered the manifestation of sudden loss of weight without actually trying through exercise and diet. Actually, it is because of the more usage of energy by the body while fighting against the disease. This symptom has a usual manifestation in lung cancer.


Lung cancer may also cause persistent fatigue that does not improve even with rest. A patient may feel very tired or weak even after good sleep and adequate rest.

Recurrent Infections: 

Recurring respiratory infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis that won’t go away, could be a sign of an underlying problem like lung cancer’. 

Stages Of Lung Cancer 

Lung cancer is usually staged from I to IV, with each stage representing a different extent of disease and thus the most appropriate treatment. The cancer hospital in Chennai provides the best facilities and expert medical care according to each stage of cancer. 

Stage I: 

The tumor is confined to the lung. The cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes nearby or to other parts of the body. Stage I is further subdivided into IA and IB, depending on the tumor size and location.

Stage II: 

Cancer has started spreading to the lymph nodes close to the site or has extended to the chest wall. As in the case of Stage I, Stage II is also divided further into IIA and IIB, depending on the degree of lymph node involvement and tumor size.

Stage III: 

At this stage, the tumor becomes extensive throughout the chest. Lymph nodes may or may not be involved, and the disease may have extended into the surrounding tissues: the chest wall, diaphragm, or mediastinum. Cancer classified as Stage III is further divided into two subclasses: IIIA and IIIB, depending on the size of the area through which the tumor has spread.

Stage IV: 

The cancer has already spread away from the lungs to other organs such as the liver, bones, or brain. This stage is the most advanced one. It is also divided into two sub-stages: IVA for the disseminated cancer within the lung or lymph nodes nearby and IVB for the disseminated cancer with widespread metastasis.

Knowing the symptoms and stages of lung cancer helps with early detection, thus getting better cancer treatment in Chennai . Early stages usually do not show specific symptoms; frequent check-ups and screenings are recommended, especially for those in a high-risk category. If you experience any of the following symptoms, including chronic coughing, chest pains, or loss of weight for no apparent reason, consult medical advice immediately.

The treatment and prognosis of lung cancer depend very much on the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis. Early symptoms are to be recognized by the individual to consult the health professional for better chances of treatment and improved outcome. Be aware, take good care of your health, and let your loved ones do the same.