When Does Laparoscopy Become Necessary

When Does Laparoscopy Become Necessary
June 8, 2024 by admin

“Health Is Wealth ” is an undebatable fact where everything goes down before good health. Sugam hospital strongly believes in this and has taken it as a mission to serve mankind with proper medical treatment. Our motto is to make … Read More

What You Need To Know Before Kidney Transplant?
June 4, 2024 by admin

Kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on either side of your spine and just below your rib cage. Each kidney will be as big as your fist, and it filters and removes waste, fluids, and minerals from your blood and produces … Read More

What To Expect In A High-Risk Pregnancy?
May 30, 2024 by admin

If your doctor says you are at a high-risk pregnancy, several questions are likely to come up in your mind. Will your prenatal care be very different from others who don’t have such a problem? Will your baby have any … Read More

What To Do When A Child Is Affected By Epilepsy?
May 23, 2024 by admin

Contrary to popular belief, epilepsy is a neurological disorder that happens due to a disturbance in nerve cell activity, and it affects people of all age groups around the world. Furthermore, it has been observed that genetic factors do have … Read More

What Do Fibroids in Menopausal Women Tell Us?
May 13, 2024 by admin

Women often feel scared when they find out that they have fibroids in their uterus. Most uterine fibroids are not cancerous. However, they are classified as tumours. According to researchers, 70 to 80 per cent of women will have fibroids … Read More

Things To Know About Postpartum Bleeding
April 18, 2024 by admin

Postpartum bleeding, or lochia, is the vaginal discharge that normally occurs after giving birth. It is a mix of blood, uterine tissue, and mucus and has a stale and musty odour like discharge during the menstrual period. It may last … Read More

Sugam Hospitals – Symbol Of Health
March 25, 2024 by admin

“Health Is Wealth ” is an undebatable fact where everything goes down before good health. Sugam hospital strongly believes in this and has taken it as a mission to serve mankind with proper medical treatment. Our motto is to make … Read More

Sugam Hospitals: An Overview Of Our Services
March 21, 2024 by admin

For the past few years, the healthcare sector has seen several changes in every aspect, especially, if you speak about the last two years, the contagion COVID-19 has overwhelmed even the best healthcare facilities in the developed countries.

Sugam Healthcare … Read More

Learn About the Treatment and Management of Orthopaedic Trauma
February 15, 2024 by admin

Injuries suffered by a person in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, joints, or related soft tissues that often occur during exercise, sporting activities, or other physical activities are referred to as orthopaedic trauma. Improper use of sports gear, … Read More

Knee Replacement Surgery – Things To Know
February 5, 2024 by admin

A damaged knee joint adversely affects everything you do, even getting up from a chair and going up and down stairways. If you are faced with such a situation, it is time you consider undergoing knee replacement surgery. However, you … Read More